ENRICH in the USA Webinars

The ENRICH in the USA webinars, highlighting critical aspects of research and market areas that are potential opportunities for cooperation between the EU and the US, provide primarily EU organisations a unique opportunity to receive information about research thematic actions and innovation market aspects that are useful for transatlantic cooperation.

We share with you information regarding the main US innovation hubs, facilitators, and networks, the main opportunities and barriers and an overview of the US research community landscape.

We would like to hear your thoughts and experiences. Discussions and interactions between participants are encouraged during the Webinars. We also welcome US organisations to participate to provide their perspective and network.

Please click the title to visit the recording of the webinar:

ENRICH in the USA webinar on renewable energies (Nov 2021)

ENRICH in the USA webinar on services and education materials (Nov 2021)

ENRICH in the USA webinar on Agrifood (Sep. 2020)

ENRICH in the USA webinar on Smart Cities (Aug. 2020)

ENRICH in the USA Fintech webinar

ENRICH in the USA Services Webinar (July 2020)

ENRICH in the USA webinar on Agriculture Technology

ENRICH in the USA webinar on Smart Cities

ENRICH in the USA webinar on Cybersecurity

ENRICH in the USA & ENRICH in China: Future Internet and Cloud Computing

ENRICH in the USA webinar Big Data (May 2019)

ENRICH in the USA & ENRICH in CHINA on Connected and Automated Driving

ENRICH in the USA Production Technologies

ENRICH in the USA Renewable energies

ENRICH in the USA Services



Webinars organized by the ENRICH in the USA Network


EU Startup/SME opening a US office? Visa options for you & your employees.

EU funding for Innovative SME entering the US market - Post-travel ban!