Pre-Departure Training for ENRICH in the USA Bootcamps


Congratulations! Your application for the ENRICH in the USA Bootcamps taking place across the US in October has been successful! To prepare you to make the most of your Bootcamp,throughout September ENRICH in the USA is running a compulsory pre-departure training programme online, focusing on the critical success factors for cracking the US market.


ENRICH in the USA Pre-Departure Training Programme

4 September, 16:00 – 18:00 CETIntroduction to doing business in the US
7 September, 16:00 – 17:30 CETIdentifying your customers and competitors
10 September, 16:00 – 17:30 CETDefining your message and product for the US market
14 September, 16:00 – 17:30 CETNetworking and follow-up in the US market space
Week of 17 September, times TBC45-minute one-to-one Q&A with your
ENRICH in the USA pre-departure trainer
Week of 24 September, times TBCPitch trials with US market aspects

The online training will be delivered via the GoToWebinar platform. Selected participants will receive a calendar invitation with the joining details for each training session.


Meet the Trainer

Greg Geehan is an early stage technology startup investor an advisor with a focus on supporting international startups break into the
US market. Based in the Greater Boston Area, Greg is a founding partner of Next Gen Venture Partners, a Board Member at Accel Hub and an experienced mentor with MassChallenge and the MIT Enterprise Forum.

Connect already at

Any Questions?
Please email your ENRICH in the USA Project Manager at EBN,