NearUS is happy to announce the results of the Match&Pitch and Innovation Tour Calls!

News item

The quality of all applications was very high and the selection process was hard.

Our most sincere congratulations go to the 20 winning organisations listed in the table below. Stay tuned for further great opportunities offered by the NearUS Network and do not forget to apply untit December 15 for the bootcamp calls!

And if you want to stay always up-to-date, on all amazing opportunities available for European researchers and organisations, then sign-up to our NearUS newsletter at the bottom of the page to receive all updates.






ACME21/BEEingInnovation TourEverybody can produce honey at home
Active Social Networking/ISTMOInnovation TourISTMOS monitors and traces the wine supply chain path, maintains the digital identity of wine bottles and prevents counterfeiting and damage caused by improper storage and transport conditions
Adaptive SimulationsInnovation TourOur intelligent adaptive algorithms optimizes the mesh refinement without any human interaction with faster, cheaper and better result
Agewell BiometricsMatch & PitchEquilibrium Home™ gives older adults and their families peace of mind to proactively manage fall risk
Aria Engineering srl / WindhunterMatch & Pitch + Innovation TourWINDHUNTER create unique outdoor comfortable environment protected from strong winds, very similar to a drop space made by air walls
Bee Smart TechnologiesInnovation TourDigitizing the beekeeping industry through IoT in order to help commercial beekeepers combat the high honeybee mortality rates
Cryptolens AB / SKMInnovation TourSKM offers the world’s simplest full-featured SaaS for SME's to commercialize their software
DPO ConsultingMatch & PitchPutting machine learning and neural network technologies at the service of personal data protection
hap2UMatch & Pitchhap2U designs and develops patented technology to enhance digital experiences by integrating the sense touch in tactile devices
iBreve LtdMatch & PitchThe Wearable that fights Stress by analyzing Breathing Patterns
INDYFarmInnovation TourThe next technologies for the next agriculture
Intellics Engineering LtdMatch & PitchThe missing link in Automotive HMI Development
International Energy Research CentreInnovation TourVision is to build a world-class, collaborative and market-facing energy research environment
Invoice Capture / Invisible CloudMatch & PitchGet paid faster! Automatic accounts receivables on the Cloud
JIC z.s.p.o.Innovation TourEmpowering people to create and grow businesses that change the world
Powr of YouInnovation TourConsumer data engine helping consumers monetize their digital footprint and providing market research & analytics services to businesses
Pzartech Ltd.Match & PitchPzartech contributes to reducing downtime through visual recognition for mechanical spare parts
Senorics GmbHMatch & Pitch + Innovation TourWith Senorics, snow white would have never eaten that apple!
The food analysis lab for your pocket
Sherlock S.r.l.Innovation TourSherlock the invisible GPS antitheft device for bicycles
VirtuItalyMatch & PitchOur mission is to valorize culture and creativity through immersive & interactive digital exhibitions and full digital applications