Energy Innovation Lab

PGW and Temple University’s small business development center are proud to host a new incubator project : The Energy Innovation Lab, to empower energy entrepreneurs! 



The Energy Innovation Lab is a small business incubator designed to empower energy

entrepreneurs whose product or service ideas have the potential to reimagine the future

of the energy industry, increase energy efficiency and affordability, and meet the evolving

energy needs for Philadelphia residents, underserved communities, and businesses.


A knowledgeable panel of judges will oversee a two-round selection process during which

applicants’ proposals will be evaluated and ranked based on viability; alignment with PGW

mission of enhancing the quality of life for all by delivering safe, reliable, affordable energy

in an environmentally responsible way; and increasing energy access for low-income



The volunteer judges are representatives from Philadelphia’s leading energy, innovation,

and start-up development organizations, including: The City of Philadelphia, Comcast, The

Philadelphia Foundation, University City Science Center, Benjamin Franklin Technology

Partners, NextFab, PGW, and Temple University Small Business Development Center (SBDC).

The Energy Innovation Lab will be headquartered at Temple’s SBDC where the selected

energy entrepreneur(s) will receive comprehensive SBDC entrepreneurship support services

and PGW energy industry expert mentoring for the duration of the two-year program, as

well as a stipend of up to $30,000.


The Energy Innovation Lab is actively seeking applicants developing new energy-related

technologies, applications, business models, software, services, and/or energy access

solutions that aim to provide positive community impacts. 


To apply and for more details, please visit .

Please submit your application before September 17, 2021